Sunday, October 5, 2008

NAIL: 1: Home Sweet Home

This inaugural project takes over CCA's visiting artist apartment with objects culled from the homes of each of the curators. Installed or enacted in the house, each intervention aims to transform the anonymous IKEA-furnished space into one full of activity and everyday objects that will come together haphazardly, much like the curators, each with their own agendas and ideas. This exhibition is focused on the process of pulling objects/actions together, learning about each other's affinities and interests. In sharp contrast to the idea of the 'invisible hand' of the curator, this project is wholly bound to the identities of the participants; their activity is the only 'art' to witness.

HOME SWEET HOME may include:
books, table setting, food, hair, clothes in closet, dog, refrigerator ephemera, postcards, magnets, audio, video, charms, letters, stickers, papers, dart board, vases, flowers, fabric, sewing machine.

HOME SWEET HOME is the first in a series of projects that aim to facilitate group development: getting to know one another and the group as a whole by developing several concrete exhibitions/presentations of ideas.

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